
Enable Markdown on Facebook comments and posts.

(yes this is a GitHub Pages template, this'll do for the time being...)

How to install FMark

With Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey installed, click this attractive install button:


It's that simple! If you install FMark, please give it a star (and tell your friends if you like it, too!) Thanks!

If there are any bugs in the Markdown converter, and it hasn't been reported here, please create a new issue and provide a detailed description of the bug. If it seems to be related to the Markdown translator itself, please check the Marked issues list first. If you have any questions, contact me!

NOTE: Your Facebook ID will be sent to a server along with what version of the script you're using. This is used to let other users know that you use it so you can use Markdown in chat. It looks like this: